Dancing around the world with Milos Patiño

Happy Birthday!

Milos began his ballet education at the age of ten at the Torrevieja Municipal Dance School with Concha Díez and Mª Dolores Morales. In 2007, he entered Madrid’s Mariemma Royal Professional Dance Conservatory, where he graduated in 2011. During the 2017/2018 season he danced punctually with the National Dance Company, in the production of Don Quijote, by José Carlos Martínez, and in September In 2018 he joined the Compañía Nacional de Danza, under the artistic direction of José Carlos Martínez.

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Why does Milos Patiño dance?

I have read about your career as a dancer. How did it all start and how did the inexistence of an artistic gymnastics club in Torrevieja get you to start dancing?

From a very young age I loved artistic gymnastics and I didn’t even know what dance was. But I had heard that gymnasts had ballet classes as part of their training routine. So, I decided to go to a dance school and that’s how I took my first ballet class.


Is dance learned or are you born with it

I believe it’s both. Being born with an innate talent is essential, but so too is being willing to learn in order to develop it.

Dance is a profession that demands a lot from dancers and their families. What is it that dance brings to you for you to decide to devote your life to it and move to Madrid at the age of fifteen?

Lots of new experiences, a world full of possibilities to discover, a professional future …


What’s is the hardest thing about this job? What obstacles have you encountered along the way?

For me, it’s the uncertainty; from the uncertainty of auditioning without any guarantee that you will get the contract, to the chance of an injury at any time.

The dancer’s career requires travel. How do you make your personal life compatible with touring?

Personally, it’s not hard for me. I guess this is more difficult for those who have family dependents or pets or some responsibility of that kind.


Out of all the places you’ve travelled to on tour, which is your favourite and why?

Abu Dhabi, without a doubt. They took very good care of us during that tour.

Torrevieja is a place with a culture of dance. Do you plan to return at some point to dance there?

Since I left my hometown, I have returned to dance on several occasions and I will return whenever I can.

On the occasion of your birthday, tell us what would be the perfect birthday plan for Milos Patiño?

Something out of the blue without planning; totally spontaneous and without a big fuss and just with the people I really trust.

Finally, devotion to art means learning something different every day and setting yourself new goals. What challenges are you facing in the future?

Precisely that: to keep learning. It is a challenge in itself to adapt to the changes that occur in your body over the years because you realize that it does not respond the same and that you cannot flog it so much. But I think that is precisely a key element of evolving as an artist.

Interview by Monserrat Martínez