Excerps of Kyr
Seated in a semi-circle the dancers begin a rhythmic series of undefined movements repeated over and over to the accumulative verses of the song. With each new verse another line is added until the whole becomes a frantic recitation acted out by the dancers.
- World premiere by: the Batsheva Dance Company and the Israel Festival, in Jerusalem, 1990
- Premiere by Compañía Nacional de Danza: at Teatro de Madrid, Madrid (Spain), March 30th 1996

With each new verse another line is added until the whole becomes a frantic recitation acted out by the dancers.”The dance stemmed solely form the structure of the song, which develops as an arithmetic progression.This is for me a perfect example of what I often like to feel about a work: a fusion of science with history, of mathematics with religion, of form with chaos.” Rock music suited the energies I was looking for. It was clear to me that Extractos De Kyr had to use original music which had drive and energy. Not precisely rock music, but music which stems from the energy and attitude of rock. I joined the members of “The Tractor`s Revenge” as a colleague in the creative process. The idea was that the music and the dance will be created as a simultaneous interaction, from the same starting point in time and space. We worked together as a groupof four people. The relationships were complex because I was in fact the father of the piece. I had a clear vision concerning the character, the dramatic weight and the central idea of each segment, but I did not have the flesh and bones of it. The very fact that they created news sounds took out of the choreographer in me things I would not have discovered otherwise.I appreciate economy both in music and in movement. I admire quietude and space between the sounds, a suspense which leads towards sizzling lava.By using polar elements, I want the work to have as wide a range as possible. Between the poles there is more space to transmit feelings, sensations and experiences
Choreography:Ohad Naharin
Music:The Tractor's Revenge and Ohad Naharin
Staging:Mari Kajiwara
Costume Design:Joke Visser
Lighting Design:Bambi
Running time:19' 20''
Premiere cast CND:Catherine Allard, José Manuel Armas, Cati Arteaga, Patrick de Bana, Mar Baudesson, José Antonio Beguristain, Emmanuelle Berard, Emmanuelle Broncin, Nathalie Buisson, Antonio Calero, José Cruz, Tony Fabre, Nicolo Fonte, África Guzmán, Catherine Habasque, Cristina Hortigüela, Thomas Klein, Rami Levi, Eva López Crevillén, Nicolas Marckmann, Ruth Maroto, Luis Martín Oya, Muriel Romero, Alexandra Scott, Lesley Telford