Fandangos y Tonadillas
A production in collaboration with Spain's National Classic Theatre Company.
Choreography by Mar Aguiló and Pau Arán (in collaboration with CND dancers) / Joaquín De Luz and Lluís Homar.
- World premiere by Compañía Nacional de Danza: at Teatro de la Comedia, Madrid (Spain), January 16th 2021

The 18th century is a fascinating century in the evolution of European music and Spain will be no exception.
The ideas of the Enlightenment will gradually penetrate into a society that is going to witness the creation of new models of economic, urban or socio-political power.
Ramón de la Cruz will admirably describe the Madrid that was born at that time. Domenico Scarlatti, Padre Soler, Luigi Boccherini or Blas de Laserna are some of the great names with which Madrid will create its soundscape in that century.
Fandangos y tonadillas wants to be a small party, where dance and theater meet music to prepare the great path that they will travel together in the ages to come.
Choreography:Joaquín De Luz, Lluís Homar, Mar Aguiló, Pau Arán
Music:Pasacalle: Luigi Boccherini, Op. 30 nº6 - G.324 (Arreglos Alicia Lázaro)/ Las murmuraciones del Prado: Blas de la Serna (Arreglos Alicia Lázaro)/ Fandango: Padre Antonio Soler, R. 146 en Re menor/ Si verrò la in campo armato: Luigi Marescalchi, Aria bufa de El italiano fingido (Arreglos: Pablo Esteve y Alicia Lázaro)/ Fandango: Luigi Boccherini, G.488 en Re menor Arbitrio para comer. Tonadilla: Pablo Esteve (Arreglos Alicia Lázaro)/ Vuelta a empezar: “Ritirata” de música nocturna de las calles de Madrid. Luigi Boccherini, OP.30 Nº6 – G.324
Musical Direction:Alicia Lázaro
Direction:Laura Ortega
Running time:1 hour 10 minutes
Cast:María Hinojosa (cantante lírica), Cecilia Lavilla (soprano), RafaelCastejón (actor), Ángel Ruiz (tenor), Alicia Lázaro (guitarra), Beatriz Amezúa, Marta Mayoral (violín), José Ignacio Gavilanes, Silvia Márquez (clave), Laura Salinas (violonchelo)
Premiere cast:Yoko Taira, Isaac Montllor, Iker Rodríguez, Sara Fernández, Mar Aguiló