Forgotten Land
Kylián, in comparison to Britten, sees Simfonia da Requiem as a work of more personal character than a political one, for it is always people who determine the political scene. It is always people and nature who turn the wheel of evolution a little further. East Anglia, a coastline of England slowly submerging under the sea, is the birthplace of Benjamin Britten.
- World premiere by: the Stuttgart Ballet, April 12th 1981
- Premiere by Compañía Nacional de Danza: at Teatro Madrid, Madrid (Spain), April 23rd 1993

The image of land taken over by the sea – together with a painting by Eduard Munch – became the primary inspiration for the choreography of Forgotten Land: land, the basis and centre of the human existence, is in itself always subject to eternal metamorphosis and mutation, land, from ancient times bearing the imprints of generations, lands within the memories of human beings, that had to be forgotten because of political struggle, lands destroyed by nature or human negligence, wishful lands which have only emerged in our dreams, lands of promise and illusion.
Choreography:Jirí Kylián
Music:Benjamin Britten (1913-1976). Sy,phony Réquiem, op. 20
Staging:Roslyn Andersson
Set and Costume Design:John Macfarlane
Lighting Design:Joop Caboort
Set made by:ROMA
Costumes made by:Atelier Marlies Kwade & CND wardrobe
Running time:20' 25''
Premiere cast CND:1er mov: Marisa Cerveris, Raúl Tino (Negro), África Guzmán, José Antonio Quiroga (Gris), Mireia Bombardó, Óscar Torrado (Beige); 2º mov: Mar Baudesson, Tony Fabre (Rojo), Catherine Habasque, José Antonio Beguiristain (Rosa); 3er mov. Eva López Crevillén, Ángel Rodríguez (Blanco)