In Paradisum
Antonio Ruz, National Dance Prize 2018, presents his first original creation for the Compañía Nacional de Danza. In June last year, he experimented with the CND's dancers through a Choreographic Workshop called The Lab, sharing his vision and trust with our artists. That experience planted the seed of In Paradisum.
- World premiere by Compañía Nacional de Danza: at Teatros del Canal, Madrid (Spain), April 8th 2021

From ancient times, human beings have tried to fid mechanisms and collective rituals to trascend and has, as an individual, had the need to feel part of a whole. Before there were masses, cults, peregrinations, pagan celebrations. Today there are, maybe, music festivals, concerts of raves. In conclusion, collective experiences that congregate thousands of people with a commun experience around music and the body. Paradise, more than a plaace, is it a mental and physical state?
As a kind of time travel, In Paradisum proposes a dialogue between sacred and pop music, the sacred and the mundane, the collective and the individual. A human reflection on the concept and search for spirituality in our time. A stage ritual filled with movement, rhyth, subtlety, emotion and energy.
Dance as an expressive vehicle and a primitive language through different solos, pas a deux and group choreographies created through the different voices of the choral tones from Tomás Luiss de Victoria (1548 -1611) , one of the most relevant and advanced compossers of his time. With an innovative style, influencing what was to come until today, his music trespasses the frontiears of the Renaissance, his equilibrium and purity, to announce the intense dramatic qualitiy of the Barroque expression. A desire to bring back Spanish musical heritage, this creation honors, for the firs time through dance, this brilliant composser.
The piece proposes an origianl aesthetic concepts, inspired in the color pallete of El Greco’s work, contemporary to Tomas Luis de Victoria. The vissionary intensity of his paintings evoques human transcendance and the divine; a holly madness between the Earthly and the celestial.
Dance, art and music join in In Paradisum, a polyphonic dance.
Choreography:Antonio Ruz
Original Idea:Pablo Martín Caminero and Antonio Ruz
Music:Tomás Luis de Victoria, "Officium defunctorum", La Grande Chapelle / Albert Recasens, Schola Antiqua / Juan Carlos Asensio (Lauda LAU020) y original de Pablo Martín Caminero
Stage Design:Paco Azorín
Costume Design:Rosa García Andújar
Lighting Design:Olga García (AAI)
Dramaturgy:Rosabel Huguet Dueñas
Director Assistant:Lucía Bernardo
Costume Assistant:Lucía Celis
Set Construction:Mambo Decorados, Gerriets España
Wardrobe:D´Inzillo Sweet Mode
Running time:35 minutes
Premiere cast:Mar Aguiló, Elisabet Biosca, Sara Fernández, Erez Ilan, Tamara Juárez, Álvaro Madrigal, Aleix Mañé, Clara Maroto, Shlomi Shlomo Miara, Marcos Montes, Isaac Montllor, Haruhi Otani, Shani Peretz, Benjamin Poirier, Iker Rodríguez, Miranda Silveira, Irene Ureña, Daan Vervoort