We live in a time in which it is increasingly difficult to find a space that allows us to isolate ourselves from external stimuli and connect with ourselves. The information flow caused by the great technological development in which we are immersed leads us to direct our gaze outward, to react and connect with any objective reality, but forgetting our subjectivity. In this sense we could say that today it is easier to get to Mars than to yourself. However, our psyche needs spaces isolated from this torrent of stimuli that surrounds us to connect our inner images, which may be more outside than inside ourselves.
- World premiere by Compañía Nacional de Danza: at Festspielhaus, Baden Baden (Germany), on May 9th 2025

Idea and conception:Muriel Romero and Pablo Palacio
Choreography:Muriel Romero
Music:Pablo Palacio
Interactive visual simulation:Daniel Bisig
Lighting and scenery:Maxi Gilbert & Pablo Palacio
Wardrobe Design:Bebé Espinosa
Digital display:Daniel Bisig & Pedro Ribot
Motion capture:Pedro Ribot
Interactive sonification:Pablo Palacio
Software and interactive technology:Daniel Bisig, Pablo Palacio, Fernando Fernández & Pedro Ribot
Light and laser programming:Pablo Palacio, Daniel Bisig & Pedro Ribot
Running time:1 hour
Premiere cast: