Ofrenda de sombras
Last year saw the four hundredth anniversary of the birth of one of the greatest painters of all time: Diego Rodríguez de Silva y Velázquez. Together with Rubens and Rembrandt, he was the most representative painter of the baroque period. His trajectory is unlimited by time and he is still modern today. With Ofrenda de Sombras, Duato wishes to pay homage to the great master, taking inspiration from one of his greatest works: Las Meninas. The choreographer creates a very personal world of private dreams and fantasy, which in its development approaches and departs from the story told in Velazquez’s painting, never failing to offer it as a reference to the spectator so that the source of inspiration is constantly present.
- World premiere by Compañía Nacional de Danza: at Teatro Real, Madrid (Spain), May 31th 2000

Choreography:Nacho Duato
Music:Music: Alberto Iglesias 1.Introduction Jordi Savall Las SombrasWilliam Daman Fantasia: Di sei sopraniInnocenzio Alberti Pavan of AlbartiAlberto Iglesias II. Tema electrónicoHenry Purcell Fantasia upon one noteMarin Marais CharivariAlberto Iglesias III. Tema electrónicoLuigi Rossi Les Pleurs d’OrphéeJean-Baptiste Lully Sarabande: Air des EspagnolsAlberto Iglesias IV. Tema electrónicoJuan Cabanilles Tiento de FalsasJordi Savall Las SombrasJean-Baptiste Lully Danse de Neptune
Costume Design:Nacho Duato (with the collaboration of Ismael Aznar)
Set Design:Nacho Duato
Lighting Design:Nicolás Fischtel (A.A.I.)
Running time:31 minutes
Premiere cast:Iratxe Ansa, África Guzmán, Catherine Habasque, Cristina Hortigüela, Emilija Jovanovic, Ana Mª López, Ruth Maroto, Karen Waldie, Olivier Lucéa, Nicolas Maire, Sebastien Mari, Luis Martín Oya, Rafael Rivero, Nacho Duato