The Fire Bird (L’Oiseau de Feu)
Under the artistic direction of Víctor Ullate
- World premiere by: Ballet of the XX Century, Brussels (Belgium), 1964
- Premiere by Compañía Nacional de Danza: (Ballet Nacional Clásico) at Teatro Principal, Zaragoza (Spain), September 28th 1979

Choreography:Maurice Béjart
Music:Igor Stravinsky (1882-1971)
Costume Design:Joëlle Roustan, Roger Bernard
Costumes made by:Bambalina
Running time:45 minutes
Premiere cast CND:Víctor Ullate (The bird), Felipe Alcoceba (The Fenix); Julia Olmedo, Sofía Sancho, Ricardo Franco, Quico Franco, Henry Brown, José Vicente Sales, Óscar Millares/Alicia P. Mántaras, Nuria Pardo/Elisa Morris