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CND Educa

CND Estudio Abierto Workshops

The National Dance Company offers a unique experience, a cycle of workshops with our dancers and ballet masters addressed at dance professionals and non-professionals 16 years old and up. The workshops will be offered at the CND headquarters, one Sunday a month, from January to July 2024.

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Muriel Romero, new director of the Compañía Nacional de Danza

The Instituto Nacional de las Artes Escénicas y de la Música (INAEM) has announced this Tuesday the appointment of Muriel Romero as the new director of the Compañía Nacional de Danza (CND), a position she will take up as of September 1, 2024 for a period of five years.

We received a visit from Ponce León School

Last week we welcomed a very special group to our headquarters. The fifth and sixth grade students of the Ponce León School attended the CND headquarters on the occasion of their participation in the workshop “Silencio se baila”, an activity developed by our educational department, CND Educa, in collaboration with the Montemadrid Foundation and the Ponce León School of Madrid.
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Students from Calasancio School visit the CND

Last week the 4th ESO students of the Calasancio School of Madrid had the opportunity to visit the headquarters of the Compañía Nacional de Danza.

Selection process for the directorship of the Compañía Nacional de Danza announced

The Instituto Nacional de las Artes Escénicas y de la Música (INAEM) announces the selection process for the directorship of the Compañía Nacional de Danza (CND), whose deadline for submitting applications begins this Friday, May 31 and ends next Thursday, June 20.

Students at our Talento Emergente program

In recent days at the CND headquarters we have hosted the students participating in the Emerging Talent program, belonging to Valencia en Danza and the School of Dance Roser Muñoz.

We resume Mentoring Project

This week we have resumed our Mentoring Project. As an educational initiative of our CND Educa, promoted by our director Joaquín De Luz, this project consists of mentoring conection done by our CND dancers towards a last year professional education student.

We attended the colloquium conference organized at the Espacio Iberia in Madrid

In the last few weeks, we have continued to prepare for our next date at the International Festival of Music and Dance of Granada on June 15 with La Sylphide. On this occasion, this past Monday we attended the colloquium conference organized at the Espacio Iberia in Madrid.

The Professional School of Dance of Castilla y León in Valladolid visits the CND

Last Monday, the 4th EPCD students of the Escuela Profesional de Danza de Castilla y León in Valladolid traveled to Madrid to visit the CND.

Joan Sempere enjoys his training grant at CND

These weeks we received at our headquarters the dancer Joan Sempere, outstanding student of the international summer dance course Valencia Endanza.

Interview with Mauro Bigonzetti

During the weeks prior to our recent premiere at Teatros del Canal, dozens of rehearsals took place at the CND headquarters, where we received important dance figures who made possible the staging of the works in the program (Heatscape, Le Jeune Homme et la Mort and Cantata).
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