Marcos Montes

Corps de ballet

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He was born in Madrid, where he graduated at the Mariemma Real Conservatorio Profesional de Danza.

In 2011 he was accepted on the Boston Ballet School summer programme. While there, he was won a scholarship for the Boston Ballet, training under the directorship of Mikko Nissinen and dancing major ballets such as Romeo and Juliet, Don Quixote and The Nutcracker by John Cranko and Rudolf Nureyev. That same year he also won a scholarship from the Madrid Autonomous Community as well as the Pao Scholarship (Boston Ballet Sponsor).

In 2012 he joined the New Jersey Atlantic City Ballet, forming part as a corps de ballet dancer but also dancing as soloist in ballets such as Carmen and The Nutcracker.

In 2014, he continued his dancing career joining the caraBdanza company and dancing neoclassical and contemporary pieces.

In October 2015, he collaborated with the Compañía Nacional de Danza in its production of Don Quixote under the directorship of José Carlos Martínez. He also danced in the CND’s production of Raymonda Divertimento.

September 2016 marks his full entry into the Compañía Nacional de Danza, directed by José Carlos Martínez.

Instagram: @demduque

Meet Marcos