Mayda Islas

Executive director

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She works in the field of hybrid culture, supporting projects from their inception (narrative and conceptual design) through to seeking funding and sustainability strategies that facilitate their integration into the international map of creative and cultural industries (CCI).

For two decades, she has collaborated with various collectives (mainly SNEO and Súbito.Red), where technological tools and languages converge with contemporary creation (visual arts, performing arts, and performance arts).
She has conceived, produced, and co-produced projects with public and private organizations in Spain, Europe, and the Americas. These projects include the development of applications for exhibition spaces (museums, theaters, and unconventional spaces), digital tools for groups with intellectual diversity, devices for the international promotion of movement arts, and festivals and residency programs for creation (music and movement arts).

Since September 2024, she has been working as Executive Director of the National Dance Company, under the direction of Muriel Romero.