Institutes, High artistic education and Universities Internships

The Compañía Nacional de Danza offers practice placements to students from centres that have signed educational cooperation agreements with the national performing arts institute (Instituto Nacional de las Artes Escénicas y de la Música—INAEM).


The intention is to complete the students’ specific training and knowledge base by offering them professional experience and guidance. This will provide them with proper preparation for entering the work market helping ensure they effectively fulfil the demands of society and of their institutions and businesses. Internships carried out at the CND contribute to rounding the student, complementing both their practical and theory learning and enabling them to implement technical skills, methodologies, team work and artistic development. Emphasis will be placed on innovation, creativity and initiative. All these aspects reinforce students’ value on the job market, now and into the future.

Former interns

  • Communication CND

    Tutor Maite Villanueva, Communication Director

    Aleix Bonet – Universidad Complutense de Madrid
    Alba Rodríguez – Universidad Camilo José Cela
    Andrea Fraga – Universidad Europea de Madrid
    Ángel Martínez – Universidad Rey Juan Carlos
    Carla López Zárate – Universidad Rey Juan Carlos
    Clara González – Universidad Complutense de Madrid
    Cristina Sánchez – Universidad Camilo José Cela
    David Gallardo – Universidad Rey Juan Carlos
    Elena Martín Martínez – Universidad Complutense de Madrid
    Elena Manera Ferrer – Universidad Europea de Madrid
    Esther Viñuela – Universidad Complutense de Madrid
    Gonzalo Recio –Universidad Complutense de Madrid
    Helena Núñez – Universidad San Pablo CUE de Madrid
    Jimena Vera – Universidad Complutense de Madrid
    Jorge Piedra – Universidad Rey Juan Carlos                                    José Ramón Ibáñez – Universidad Complutense de Madrid
    Juliette Caillaud –Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
    Mariana Guerra – Universidad Complutense de Madrid
    Marina Vargas Tur – Universidad Complutense de Madrid
    Mateo Chamorro – Universidad Camilo José Cela
    María Tejero Farias – Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
    Monse Martínez Zavaleta – Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
    Natalia del Buey de Andrés – Universidad Complutense de Madrid
    Paloma Fernández – Universidad Camilo José Cela
    Renzo de Marco – Universidad Complutense de Madrid
    Sandra Cadenas – Universidad del País Vasco
    Valeria Cossí – Universidad Complutense de Madrid
    Valery Trasverso – Universidad Rey Juan Carlos

  • Production CND

    Amanda del Monte, Production Director
    • Ana Gómez · Centro de Tecnología del Espectáculo de Madrid (INAEM)
    • Juan Manuel Ramírez Espinoza · Universidad Complutense de Madrid
    • Mathieu Rouvière · IESA, Art et Culture (Fr)
    • Carlos García Mera . FormARTE
    • Lucas Romano-Pringles Martínez . Máster Gestión Cultural Universidad Complutense de Madrid
  • 4º ESO + Empresa

    4º ESO + Empresa is an educational program of the Community of Madrid

    Aimed at all students in the 4th year of Compulsory Secondary Education. This program, which has the status of extracurricular activity, is developed with the collaboration of companies and entities in the region in which young people carry out an Educational Stay for 3 or 4 consecutive school days, in the second quarter of the course, in order to to enrich their training and bring them closer to the world of work that they will be part of in the future. (R.D. 83/1996, of January 26, BOE 21-2-1996 and Order 11634/2012, of November 27, BOCM 12-3-2012).

    If you have any questions or suggestions, you can contact us at 910505094 (during office hours) or by sending an email to


If you are a student and would like information to develop your placement in any CND department, please write to the relevant tutor.

Maite Villanueva, Communication Director
Amanda del Monte, Production Director

If you are a University and wish more information on internships agreements with INAEM, please contact at 910505094 or by mail at