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Panel 2: Don Quixote
Don Quixote
From 27 February to 2 March Madrid
Panel 3: Don Quixote

We are CND
CND Estudio Abierto
Within the framework of the social program Somos CND, the National Dance Company offers dance professionals and non-professionals a unique opportunity to get into this art through workshops taught by our dancers, repeaters and teachers. Registration starting in January.
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“There's something better than being in front of a good show - being in the back!”
We are patronsSeason preview 24/25

Madrid. Centro de Danza Matadero

Madrid. Festival ellas crean. Museo del Prado

Image campaign for Don Quixote at the Teatro Real
In the intense days of rehearsals with which we are preparing the return of Don Quixote to the Teatro Real stage, we have taken a break to carry out a photo session with a wonderful image and communication team that includes the photographer Laura San Segundo, Tres Tipos Graficos, a creative studio specialized in cultural projects and the photographer Alba Muriel, one of our regular collaborators. From this photo session we have made a selection from which the main image and the poster of the campaign have emerged, which we invite you to see in the gallery.
The dancers Clara Maroto and Álvaro Madrigal who will play the roles of Mercedes and Camacho, in one of the five performances between February 27 and March 2 that the work of José Carlos Martínez will be on stage, are, on this occasion, the protagonists of the communication campaign promoted by Muriel Romero, our current artistic director.
Mercedes is Quiteria's sister and Espada's beloved. Camacho is a rich farmer who wants to marry Quiteria, but whom she does not love. A story that shows the conflict between Basilio's true love for Quiteria and Camacho's material interest and that culminates with an ingenious plan by Basilio to win Quiteria's heart.
We invite you to enjoy this ballet with live music by the Teatro Real Main Orchestra directed by Manuel Coves and discover the outcome of this plot. Don't miss out on your ticket!

We start the new year with our 2025 calendar
We start the new year giving you our calendar so you can enjoy every day of CND.
It is now available for download!

Roger Salas will give the lecture “About The Sylphide”
As part of the programming of the ballet La Sylphide that will be performed at the Teatro de la Zarzuela from December 12 to 22, the CND organizes together with the dance critic Roger Salas a conference entitled About the Sylphide on Monday December 9 at 19:30h in the Ambigú of the Teatro de la Zarzuela.

The CND project is already underway at the University
The Carlos III University of Madrid (UC3M) has been the first institution to join this CND project, which consists of the development of a series of choreographic creation workshops in which, for a week, different groups of dancers from the CND share their own creations with the university community through group dynamics and movement explorations. Two weeks later, dancers and university students begin to select materials to create their own dance piece that will be offered at the UC3M Auditorium. After the sample of the scenic work, the choreographic workshop concludes with a discussion in which the students participating in the project, the dancers and the university public talk and ask questions about the creative process, their concerns, what they experienced and felt and their way of understand dance after the experience.
The first workshop began on Thursday, October 31 with the dancers Isaac Montllor and Nora Peinador accompanied by Ana Catalina Román and the second with the couple of CND dancers Cristina Casa and Ion Agirretxe started on Thursday, November 7.
The CND at the University was born within the social project Somos CND, which has among its objectives to bring dance closer to different groups in society through training activities and artistic creation and research projects of an interdisciplinary nature.
Any interested university can propose its collaborative project to the CND contacting with
Video of the first workshop at the UC3M

Ivana Saldaña teaches the Balance in Flow workshop at the Company’s headquarters
Our dancers are participating in the Balance in Flow program that its creator, the dancer and therapist Ivana Saldaña, has brought to our headquarters to contribute to the overall preparation of the company's dancers on a physical, mental and emotional level. using coaching and mindfulness tools.
The Program was born in 2009 when Ivana integrated her own experience as a dancer and her own challenges as a student and professional with the knowledge acquired as a health therapist. Since then, Balance in Flow has been expanding.
Ivana Saldaña, a pioneer in teaching personal and artistic growth, has been sharing her program for more than a decade with dancers from important companies in the United States, England and Spain. She is a shiatsu therapist, licensed in San Francisco and London and an NLP Master Practitioner.

CND Auditions. Published the Agreement of the Qualifying Court
Congratulations to all those who have passed the selection process for temporary coverage, linked to the duration of the artistic season, of 26 places for dancers (9 soloists and 17 for the corps de ballet) announced on August 28.

Course at the CND headquarters by Luis Gadea, INAEM risk prevention technician
The activity at our headquarters and mainly the work of the dancers has been underway for a few weeks with daily rehearsals and classes with new repeat teachers and guest teachers. In order to avoid injuries and condition the body for the demanding professional activity they carry out, the dancers are attending a course taught by Luis Gadea, professor of dance, specialist in exercise physiology and risk prevention technician at INAEM.

CND welcomes José Carlos Blanco as guest maestro
José Carlos Blanco is a guest teacher at the headquarters of the Compañía Nacional de Danza. The dancer and repetitive assistant from Madrid has been reunited these days with what was his company for nine seasons. We talked to him to tell us about his projects and the work he will do in the three weeks he will be at our headquarters as guest teacher.

Muriel Romero presents her project for the CND and her new team at a press conference
The new artistic director of the Compañía Nacional de Danza, Muriel Romero, has presented to the media the objectives and main lines of action of her artistic project for the next five years, until 2029, when the CND will celebrate its 50th anniversary.
She was accompanied by the members of her entire team: Mayda Islas, deputy director; Ana Catalina Román, assistant artistic director; Violeta Gastón, master repetiteur; Amanda del Monte, production director; Pachi Cabanillas, technical director, and Arturo Barral, manager.

CND Auditions
On August 29, the Undersecretariat of Culture of the Ministry of Culture published the resolution calling for the selective process for temporary coverage, linked to the duration of the artistic season, of 26 positions for dancers (9 soloists and 17 for corps de ballet). The aim is to meet the needs established in the Master Plan of the National Dance Company, according to which it is necessary to have a multimodal and interdisciplinary cast that is capable of executing the different dance styles present in the CND repertoire.

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