
Diana and Acteon

Agrippina Vaganova

Originally this pas de deux was part of the revival made by Marius Petipa in 1886 of the ballet Esmeralda (1844), being a mythological quote unrelated to the main plot in which Diana, surprised in the bath by Actaeon, becomes angry and turns Actaeon into deer to be devoured by his own pack of hunting dogs.

Agripina Vagánova 1879-1951) staged a reduced version of Esmeralda in 1935 and saved this duet as a choreographic heritage, giving it a typical energy of the Soviet school but at the same time with the academic rigor of the old Russian school.

  • World premiere by: Ballet Kirov, Theater Kirov (Mariinsky Theater), San Petersburg (Russia), April 23rd 1935
  • Premiere by Compañía Nacional de Danza: (Ballet del Teatro Lírico Nacional) at Teatro de la Zarzuela, Madrid (Spain), November 19th 1988


  • Coreography:
    Agrippina Vaganova
  • Music:
    Riccardo Drigo
  • Musical performance:
    Orquesta Sinfónica de Madrid, Miguel Roa (direction)
  • Staging:
    Valentina Savina, Azari Plisetski
  • Running time:
    16 minutes
  • Premiere cast CND:
    Julio Bocca, Arantxa Argüelles