Big premiere at Teatros del Canal!
We added two new pieces to our repertoire
Last April 18th we lived an unforgettable night with a great premiere for the CND in Teatros del Canal! A very special night, for different reasons. And everyone knew it and nobody wanted to miss it.

Occupying all the seats in the Red Room, our audience once again rewarded us with their affectionate applause after the presentation of this new program and last artistic proposal for the CND by Joaquín De Luz, our current director, who will leave the post at the end of August, when his contract expires.
The program includes two additions to the repertoire of the National Dance Company, Le Jeune Homme et la Mort, by Roland Petit, and Cantata, by Mauro Bigonzetti, which will not leave indifferent any of the privileged spectators who already have a seat to see them these days in Teatros del Canal.
Thank you for your warm welcome!