International Dance Day 2023
Dance to be free
International Dance Day has been celebrated on April 29 since it was established by UNESCO in 1982, on the initiative of the International Dance Committee. This date commemorates the birth (in 1727) of Jean-Georges Noverre, dancer and teacher considered the creator of modern ballet.
This April 29th is our day, the day of all those who love dance, Happy International Dance Day!

This year, to celebrate the DID, from the National Dance Company we want to send a message of freedom. Freedom that we feel when we dance. We are fortunate to have this possibility that in many parts of the world do not have. We invite you all to give this gift to future generations.
“Dance is freedom.
The best inheritance we can leave them.
The possibility of being free.”
In this year’s official message for International Dance Day, Chinese dancer and choreographer Yang Liping, reminds us that dance is humanity’s most instinctive form of communication. It allows us to communicate with nature and with ourselves. The fundamental pillars of Eastern philosophy are “learning from nature” and the “union of the human being with the universe”. These doctrines are also the spiritual core of the art of dance. “Today,” says Yan Liping in his message, “I will not only continue to share our dance culture with the world, but I also hope to invite all the dancers in the world who love dance and who want to express their emotions through dance, to dance together to convey our love and praise heaven and earth. Life never ends and dance never stops“.
The presentation of the Didactic Guide of Giselle, for the dance community and for the educational community, was the first of the activities programmed by the CND for the celebration of the International Dance Day from Albacete.
Yesterday, April 28, from the Teatro Circo de Albacete, took place the presentation of this project, from the hand of its creator, the educator Ana Perez Garcia. The didactic guide Vivamos la historia de Giselle delves into the ballet of Giselle and brings it closer to the younger audience. Through the challenges posed in the didactic materials, the aim is to develop in the students a deep learning as an engine of new opportunities.
More than 60 people from the educational community and dance professionals from all over Castilla-La Mancha attended the event.
A press conference was also held on April 28 to present our shows at the Teatro Circo. The meeting ended with an exceptional finale: the presentation of the gold medal to the National Dance Company for the 40th anniversary of Cultural Albacete. The medal was presented to our director Joaquín De Luz by the vice-president of the Provincial Council, Juan Ramón Amores. He was accompanied by the councilman of culture, Vicente Casañ, Jara Pérez, from the company Ingeteam and the manager of Cultural Albacete, Ricardo Beléndez.
Our director Joaquín De Luz gave a master class to the students of the Royal Professional Conservatory of Music and Dance of Albacete. This class takes place in the framework of the conservatory’s project ACCIÓN DANZA.
The class was accompanied by our master pianist, Viktoriia Glushenko and took place in the Plaza de la Virgen de los Llanos. It was streamed live from the conservatory’s Facebook channel and also through our Instagram channel.
The activity was attended by hundreds of fans. The students of the conservatory read the International Dance Day message and Joaquín De Luz also addressed the large audience to remind them that the best thing we can leave as an inheritance to future generations is the right to dance freely.
Our premiere in Albacete, at the Teatro del Circo, was a great success and, to celebrate International Dance Day, before the performance in this magnificent theater, our director Joaquín De Luz addressed the audience that filled the hall to dedicate the performance to DID 2023.
The mixed program was composed of three pieces:
- Sad Case by Sol León and Paul Lightfoot.
- Morgen; by Nacho Duato.
- Passengers Within by Joaquín De Luz.
We celebrated this special day in the best way we know how: DANCING!