World Environment Day 2021
Cultivate, replant, clean…
Is our last chance.
Stop the catastrophe, prevent, protect, repair.
It is time. It is your moment.

In 1977 the United Nations declared the 5th of June as the World Environment Day with a set objective: remind us about the importance of the care and protection of nature, which affects the wellbeing of the villages and the global economic development.
This year they sent us a new emergency message that urges us to restore. Restore the ecosystems, so we can prevent, stop and revert the damage we’ve caused to nature. This is a global responsability. Because of it, they encourage us to take part in small daily actions, such as planting trees, replanting our gardens with wild species or collecting garbage at the beaches.
The Compañía Nacional de Danza (Spain) joins this initiative. Through this video, we wanted to show our worry aboyt the environment by pointing out problems that affect our health and planet. The massive production of plastics, the pollution of the atmosphere or the spilled industrial waste in the oceans are some of the causes we need to eliminate.