

It is a pleasure for the Compañía Nacional de Danza (CND) to bring to you its accessible ballet Giselle—by Joaquín De Luz—the first audio-described classical ballet in the company’s repertoire.

WhatsApp Image 2021-02-15 at 11.31.10

This ballet marks the CND’s firm intent to use available tools to make dance further accessible. The audio-description tool for visually impaired people is in addition to the audio induction loop and amplification aimed at hearing impaired people.

The audio-description tool can be used at any theatre requesting it. We also offer a pre-show tactile visit to discover the world of Giselle through models and including the screenplay, a selection of props and the stage space with its different textures, together with the pointe shoes and constumes of different characters from the ballet.

Adviser in choreographic language: Mercedes Pacheco
Actor: Sara Akkad
Accessibilility Design and Realisation: Compañía Palmyra Teatro, in collaboration with Fundación SIGNE