Fugitive Pieces
And what if the horizontal is my only companion
And what if the ice under my nails never melts
And what if in the snow’s cool embrace I forget my desires
And what if the wind erases my facial detail or expression
And what if my clothes are my only witness to form
And what if I am left with a permanent vista of clouds
And what if my hair grows will it follow the ancient path of rivers
And what if my bones whistle their own melody of descent
And what if at night the stars collect in my hollows
And what if the moon burns my shadow into these rocks and the grass grows between my teeth
And what if the sun bleaches my tongue of conversation, then I will send coded messages on my skin to be interpreted by storms
And what if my flesh becomes coal and my skull turns to marble
- World premiere by Compañía Nacional de Danza: at Teatro de Madrid, Madrid (Spain), June 5th 1998

And what if my heart for all its longing becomes a stubborn magnet still greedy Fugitive Pieces is the poetic response to the accident that took place in February 1998 in the North of Italy, in the Calavese locality, where an aeroplane collided with the cables of the cabin of a cable railway that was carrying skiers, causing the death of all the passengers, except one. Norton explains: “With the dancers I have created narrative movements and I have placed them in a report atmosphere, from which I reflect on corporeal reality and its permanency.”
Choreography:Paul Norton (in collaboration with the dancers)
Music:José Luis Greco
Set, Costume and Lighting Design :Paul Norton
Text :Paul Norton
Set made by:Cristina García González & Peroni
Costumes made by:CND wardrobe
Running time:16' 25''
Premiere cast:África Guzmán, Bertha Bermúdez, Demond Hart, Sebastien Mari, Emmanuelle Berard, Nicolo Fonte. Storyteller: Kim McCarthy. The one in the clouds: Iratxe Ansa