Jorge Palacios

Corps of ballet


Born in Madrid. Graduated from the Vaganova Ballet Academy in St. Petersburg (Russia). He began his training at the age of eleven at the Carmina Ocaña and Pablo Savoye Ballet School. He also received classes from other teachers as María López García, Wilhelm Burmann, Noah Gelber, Chevi Muraday, Avatâra Ayuso, Helen Rosenthal and Fabrice Edelman.

In September 2016 he moved to St. Petersburg and after graduating two years later from the Vaganova Ballet Academy in the class of Alexei Iliyn, he joined the corps de ballet of the Mariinsky Theatre Ballet Company under the direction of Yuri Fateev.

In the repertoire of this company he performed in ballets such as Giselle, Don Quixote, The Corsair, Raymonda, Swan Lake and Sleeping Beauty, as well as in Anna Karenina (Alexei Ratmansky), Cinderella (Alexei Ratmansky), The Little Humpbacked Horse (Alexei Ratmansky), Firebird (Michel Fokine), Leningrad´s Symphony (Igor Belsky), Legend of Love (Yuri Grigorovich), Shurale (Leonid Yakobson), The Fountain of Bakhchisarai (Rostislav Zakharov), The Bronze Horseman (Rostislav Zakharov, Yuri Smekalov).

He has also performed semi-solo and solo roles in Sylvia (Frederick Ashton), The Sylphide (August Bournonville), Bayadère (Marius Petipa), Scheherezade (Michel Fokine), Carmen Suite (Alberto Alonso), Le Sacre du Printemps (Vaslav Nijinsky), Romeo and Juliet (Leonid Lavrovsky), Le Parc (Angelin Preljocaj), Spartacus (Leonid Yakobson), The Stone Flower (Yuri Grigorovich) and The Nutcracker (Vasili Vainonen and Chemiakin).

In September 2022 he joined the Compañía Nacional de danza, under the artistic direction of Joaquín de Luz.

Instagram: @jpalaciosbm