The CND shares full length ballets during the confinement in their YouTube channel.
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Ballets offered to be wachted online during four days, belong to CND’s historical repertoire.

During the months of April and May, the channel of Youtube of Compañía Nacional de Danza has launched, during four days, complete pieces of its historical repertoire.
The streaming ballets have got over 50.000 views, and our channel grew up in more than 2000 new followers in less than two weeks.
Ballets showed till this moment are:
DON QUIJOTE. José Carlos Martínez
POR VOS MUERO. Nacho Duato
GODS AND DOGS. Jirí Kylián
Last premiere was PAQUITA by Marius Petipa, premiered by CND during season 1988/89 under the artistic direction of Maya Plisétskaya, with Arantxa Argüelles as ‘Paquita’ and Raúl Tino as ‘Lucian’.