Allegro Brillante
Allegro Brillante is characterized by what Maria Tallchief (the ballerina on whom the bravura leading role was created) calls “an expansive Russian romanticism.” The music’s vigorous pace makes the steps appear even more difficult, but the ballet relies on strong dancing, precise timing, and breadth of gesture. Balanchine said: “It contains everything I know about the classical ballet in seventeen minutes.”
- World premiere by: New York City Ballet at City Center of Music and Drama, New York (E.E.U.U.), March 1st 1956
- Premiere by CND: at Teatro Real, Madrid (Spain), May 24th 2014

Tchaikovsky’s third piano concerto was originally written as a symphony, but as it was nearing completion, the composer, dissatisfied with it, converted the first movement into a concert piece for piano.
The performance of Allegro Brillante, a Balanchine® Ballet, is presented by arrangement with The George Balanchine Trust and has been produced in accordance with the Balanchine Style® and Balanchine Technique® Service standards established and provided by the Trust.
Choreography:George Balanchine (© The George Balanchine Trust)
Music:Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky (1840-1893). Piano Concerto No. 3 in Mi bemol major, op. 75
Staging:Nanette Glushak
Costume Design:Nanette Glushak and Miguel Crespi
Lighting Design:Nicolás Fischtel
Running time:17 minutes
Premiere cast CND:Mathilde Froustey, Alessandro Riga, Lucie Barthélémy, Eugenia Brezzi, nandita Shankardass, maría Muñoz, Aitor Arrieta, Jacopo Giarda, Álvaro Madrigal, Iván Sánchez