Dynamics are the starting point for an underworld anchored in the metrics of the sound of movement.
- World premiere by: Compañía Nacional de Danza at Mercat de les Flors, Barcelona (Spain), October 25th 2012

Dynamics are the starting point for an underworld anchored in the metrics of the sound of movement, spurred by latent, multicellular and powerful humanity. Those dynamics shift us away from the verticality of being and reveal the contrast with the horizontal soul. This is the painful duality in which I move, dragged by the forces that rule us, from the infinite planes of emotional choreology, from the manifold vectors of a mental colour in exodus towards a distant Zion.
Travel can only begin through movement.
Choreography:Arantxa Sagardoy and Alfredo Bravo
Music:Dmitri Shostakovich (1906-1975). Symphony No. 8 in Do minor, op. 65
Set Design:Arantxa Sagardoy and Alfredo Bravo
Costume Design:Arantxa Sagardoy and Alfredo Bravo
Lighting Design:Dermot O´Brien
Running time:32 minutes
Premiere cast:Tamako Akiyama, Marina Jiménez, Rebecca Connor, Agnés Lopez, Aída Badía, Elisabet Biosca, Allie Papazian, Mar Aguiló, Jessica Lyall, Emilía Gisladöttir, Sara Fernández, Javier Monzón, Daan Vervoort, Doron Perk, Erez Ilan, Antonio De Rosa, Aleix Mañé, Mattia Russo