We celebrate International Dance Day
Carlos III University in Leganés
International Dance Day has been celebrated on April 29 since it was established by UNESCO in 1982, at the initiative of the International Dance Committee. This date commemorates the birth (in 1727) of Jean-Georges Noverre, dancer and teacher considered the creator of modern ballet.

From the National Dance Company we will celebrate the DID next April 29th, presenting a new mixed program at the Auditorium of the Carlos III University in Leganés.
For this exciting tribute to dance, our dancers will perform a program consisting of three pieces: Remanso, by Nacho Duato, a work steeped in the expressive strength of three dancers, origin of Remansos, later created for the CND; Swoosh by Joaquín De Luz absolute premiere of this season, in which the dancers dance with sneakers leaving aside the tips; and Napoli Divertissement, a new piece that joins our repertoire with which the CND returns to the classic steps of the great August Bournonville.
In addition, the CND will offer other activities in this pedagogical day from the UC3M. An open class will be held for conservatory students. Finally, the message for the International Dance Day 2024 will be read .