International Dance Day 2020


An International Dance Day like no other. Confined, we haven't stopped dancing from home.


Dance in community and it is physical contact, to build something from the individual into the group. The hand of our dancers, the shackles of our chain symbolize the union and desire of meeting again after this experience. A chain of love, for dance, for life, to keep moving forwards step by step.

We keep dance, we dance from home.

Without leaving our homes, the Spanish dance sector has united to read the International Dance Day manifest and remind us we will meet again on the stage.

Finally, our Artistic Director, Joaquín De Luz, along the director of the Ballet Nacional de España, Rubén del Olmo, invited everyone to keep dancing. A challenge with two choreographies that every dance lover could share on their social media during April 29th, under the claim #YoBailoEnCasa (#IDanceFromHome).